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What to look for in your new home.

Congratulations on your decision to purchase a new home! Your first step toward buying your new home will be to analyze your needs. Your real estate agent can assist in analyzing your needs so that you will be able to get a clear picture of exactly what you want your new home to look like and how it should function for you and your family.

First, you should write down why you are looking for a new home. For example, are you currently renting and would like to have a home where you can begin building equity? Maybe you recently married and have outgrown your current residence. Or, maybe you have just gotten a promotion, which requires you to move to a new city. These factors will all have a bearing on how you approach your home search.

Second, establish a time frame that you would like to stay within for buying your home. Depending on your reasons for wanting a new home and the current state of the market in the area you are looking to buy, you should be able to come up with a rough guideline, which you can finalize at a later time.

Last, you most likely have a mental picture of what you would like your house to look like and what features it should have. It’s very important to write these ideas down to avoid any ambiguity later in your home search. You should make at least two lists: one should be a list describing your dream home and the other should list the features of the home that are an absolute must have in order to buy it. In a perfect world, your new home would fulfill both lists 100 percent. It is more likely that you will end up blending the two lists into a schedule of prioritized items as you progress through the buying process. This is a natural and evolutionary process as you get clearer about what you want and what is available.

IN the day of all homes being published on the Internet you can review and view many homes right from  thw comfort of your computer. BUT don’t allow yourself to  to depend on Pictures alone.  Realtors do a great job in showing the positive attributes of a their listed property via photos. Nothing beats walking into a property and making you own up close and personal review.



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Sandy Mager


10115 E Bell RD.

Suite 105

Scottsdale AZ 85260



Property data is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. The owner of this site does not make any representations about any property mentioned in this site. Reproduction of content or images on this site is strictly forbidden. Media room luxury home photo courtesy of Reese Imaging.

Sandy Mager


10115 E.Bell RD.

Suite #105

Scottsdale AZ 85260


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